Lochsa Design can provide cost effective solutions for your Solar Electric Power System or Web site design needs.

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This shot shows both my home (on the right) and my neighbor Michael's place. We bought this 12 1/2 acres together and then subdivided the property. The two houses are about 100yds apart. These images were taken in early April, after the snow had melted and the grass has greened up.

These are some pictures of my home. Note the solar panels just to left of the building.

The view from the shore of my small pond.

These are some shots of the shooting range that my neighbor set up. The first image is down the firing range from the range shelter shown on the previous page. In the foreground is the pistol range (up to 35 yds). In the distance you can barely see the 225yd (205 meter) rifle targets.

Here is a view of the target complex at 225 yards (205 meters). There are several steel rifle targets as well as a target frame for punching paper.

This is a closeup of the 80 yd target frame. Only the upper panel is in the line of fire. We have to pivot the frame down and attach targets before swinging them up into the line of fire.


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Last update: 17APR2006

Created by Lochsa Design